Updated Mon/Wed/Fri
Friday , December 30 , 2005
First comic
Previous comic

Tuesday July 4, 2006
Sorry sorry sorry sorry.
As you can tell my absence was a little more than just a month. Basically I didn't really feel like I was doing it propperly. I wanted to stop for a bit, do some other projects and then start again actually planning out stories, characters etc.
So, this time I actually got a notify list together which you can join below and I'll only ever use it to let you know when Lazy starts up again.

I Always Wake Up Lazy notify list:
Powered by NotifyList.com

I've also set up a basic personal site here to gather together various comics, animation etc. where I'll keep people up to date with Lazy's progress.

Thursday February 23, 2006
Announcing my triumphant return to comedy!
Sorry about that little absence there. I'm back now.
So Braindead is back in business as of now, and there's a new one for last week (the 12th) which was posted into the past and wont appear on the front page, so go back and check that one out if you feel so inclined.
As for Lazy, it will resume on the 20th of March. That gives me time to move house (which I'm doing next week), settle in, start Uni (that too) and get some writing done.
All talk and no action aren't I...

Tuesday January 10, 2006
I ever get it finished that is.
You know, it's true what they say. Cut and paste does make the world go 'round.

Thursday January 5, 2006
When this brief storyline is finished I think I'm going to take some time off. Last time I said that it turned out to be a year. This time it will be no more than a month, I promise. In that time I plan to plan out and write a good chunk of Lazy, do some regular Braindead updates and clean up/finish both sites. I'll let you know when I'm going and when I'm coming back.
In a freakish case of life-imitating-art-imitating-my-own-laziness, my housemates and I are about to celebrate Christmas, two weeks late. Everyone was with family for the actual day so we're doing it together again tomorrow night. Should be fun aplenty.
Happy Second Christmas everybody.

Wednesday January 4, 2006
Happy New Year folks.
Catch up of the traditional week-late Christmas storyline starts now. It may be slow going for a while.
That's all I can think of for now, see you all later.

Saturday December 31, 2005
I have escaped the holliday season victorious. I just have to survive 40°C heat today and working hungover tomorrow and I'll e set.
Unfortunately me + hot != comics, but they should start appearing on Monday. I didn't even get any Braindead's done while I was away. Some Webcomicist I am. At leat I'm keeping alive the fine tradition of not doing comics and somehow complaining about it.
Have good, safe fun tonight people. Either that or sticky dangerous fun, that's good too.

Friday December 23, 2005
I had a little something planned for Christmas but time has got the better of me.
Have a great Christmas/December Holliday of your choice and I'll catch you back here in a week.
Take care everyone.

Still Wednesday December 21, 2005
What I meant before was, I'm happier with the writing on the next few including Monday's.
This is me all caught up. Woo!
See you again on Friday, through the magic of the webotron.

Wednesday December 21, 2005
Still playing catch up, this one suffered slightly but I'm so much happier with the writing on the next few. Watch me stumble into a Christmas storyline.
Speaking of Christmas, I think I'm going to have to catch up after my trip rather than getting it all done before hand.
I've just been listening to And the Glass handed Kites by Mew. It sounds, to my uneducated ears, like Sonic Youth produced by M83. Good stuff.
I should have more later today.

Tuesday December 20, 2005
What did I tell you? I'm all done for last week at least. Friday's strip is horrendous, sorry about that.
More later, I'm in a bit of a hurry.
PS Finally a new Braindead too.

Thursday December 15, 2005
Here's Monday's finally.
I'm sorry things have been lagging here, I've been kind of distracted the past few days. Unfortunately it's probably going to get worse with Christmas coming because I'm going to be away for the week between Christmas and New Years. I'll try and get them done ahead of time, but no guarantees.
I'll possibly see you tomorrow maybe. Perhaps. And by that I mean later today...

Saturday December 10, 2005
The comic is late because I didn't have time to finish it off before going to see The Kills on Friday.
The Kills were awesome, probably the most intense show I've seen where there was a maximum of two guitars and a drum machine on stage.
They were supported by Damn Arms who were really good, kind of in the vein of !!!.
I'm also loving the Panthers album Things are Strange, and the Joggers' With a Cape and a Cane is steadily growing on me also.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Thursday December 8, 2005
Here's yesterdays strip, I'm kind of back on track. If anyone's still here from the old days, they might remember when I would be a whole week behind... Good times, good times...
The comic suffered a little because it's late, the time is also late and I'm tired.
So off to bed I go, dream sweet dreams and I'll catch you tomorrow.

Wednesday December 7, 2005
I slept for a bit after work, then did stuff. But here is Monday's comic. Today's to appear later today.
I'm pretty happy with the idea of this one, I'm just not so sure about the execution.

Tuesday December 6, 2005
After wasting the whole day, I now have to get up in 4 hours and go to work. I wanted to have a Braindead done at least but it just wasn't happening. Sorry.
More later today.

Friday December 3, 2005
Let's welcome back Mr Richard Dean Anderson. If you're a little unsure as to what the hell he's doing there, all is explained here. And by "explained" I mean "feebly glossed over".

Thursday December 2, 2005
Braindead's new home is finally finished. Well, mostly. There'll be some tweaking going on for a little while, and I still need to add a few things. BUT, comics are now linkable and there's a working archive. You can also leave comments, so feel free to do so. Lastly the comics themselves are still flash so you'll need some variety of flash player installed. I don't know what other problems flash might cause so if you're having problems seeing the comics please let me know.


NOV Dec 2005
27 28 29 30 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Stars - Set Yourself on Fire

Mew - And the Glass Handed Kites

The Robocopkraus - They Think They are the Robocopkraus!

Panthers - Things are Strange

65DaysOfStatic - One Time for All Time

Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene

Wolfmother - Wolfmother

Jakob - Cale:Drew

Peace Burial at Sea - This is Such a Quiet Town

Torche - Torche



Contact Me


I Always Wake Up Lazy is brought to you by the good people at Comic Genesis, a pervasive sense of inferiority and the letter E.
Copyright 2001-2003 Nick Wannop. Reproduction in full or in part forbidden without prior consent blah blah blah blah blah bleah!